Saturday, November 1, 2008

Theory or Experience?

What do u think?
We should gain our experience first o learn the theory first.

In my opinion, we should learn the theory first.
Theory is the result made by other people from their experience.
Learning Theory avoid us from mistakes.(cause we won't repeat the same mistake mah)

if you prefer to explore it yourself first, well, might be that what you learn is what u experienced, but are you sure that your experience you gained if everything that you should learn?
Besides, you have to repeat it if you have error.(if you know there is 1)

Its just like walking in the jungle for the first time without a map.
With a map, the chances of getting lost is much more lesser than those who do not have 1.
Without a map, you will have to go back and walk again until you are out of the jungle.
Unlike those with a map, they can use short cuts as the know the way.

Those maps are drawn by people who ever explore that jungle and to prevent other people to get the wrong path.
They don't want other people to repeat their mistake!

Think about it.

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